You’ve cultivated your savings, worked throughout your career and grew your seed money. Now it’s time to thrive after retiring from CU by leveraging the information you will learn from our 2025 Retirement Ready sessions.
In its first year, CU’s privately administered Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) plan provided paid leave for 2,900 CU employees. Read more about the program’s impact, increased benefits and how to apply for and use this benefit.
Employee W-2s will be mailed by Jan. 31, Form 1095-C will be released in the portal by March 3, and Form 1042-S will be available by mid-March.
Plan fees for your university of Colorado retirement plans have been reduced as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Employees aged 60 – 63 now have an additional special catch-up contribution option to increase retirement savings in their voluntary accounts.
To maintain tax exempt status, employees must update their W-4 by Feb. 15. If the form is not updated by this date, the employee’s tax status will revert to the highest withholding status.
The new year is a good time to review your benefits and invest in yourself. Use this checklist to brush up, refresh your benefits, and take advantage of services and programs available to you.
The Tuition Assistance Benefit helps you reach for the stars, while keeping your feet on firm financial ground. See how to use the benefit to access an affordable, quality education for yourself or your dependents.
Employees can update several facets of their individual information — and most changes can be made directly in the employee portal. Take a moment to review or update information such as your preferred name, legal name, gender identity, ethnicity and more.
Using artificial intelligence (AI) tools wisely is an increasingly important workplace skill. Get up to speed on AI uses and limitations, and don’t miss out on tools available to you.
