LinkedIn Learning takes your training to new heights
The University of Colorado is legally required to provide certain documents, such as Form 1095-C. Sign up to receive these forms and notices digitally with digital delivery.
You can now personalize your homepage in the CU Resources area of the employee portal with this new feature. Watch video to see how it works.
Your ethnic group, disability and veteran status are voluntary to disclose, but it is encouraged to do so.
Recent changes and upgrades to the employee portal included a search feature, mobile friendly design and ways to personalize your homepage.
Learn more about the changes and upgrades coming to the employee portal on July 21.
Watch a quick video to familiarize yourself before the CU Resources area’s redesigned look debuts June 11. Updates include a streamlined menu, navigational bar and new windows. As we implement the new design, there will be an outage from June 10-11.
You picked your benefits during Open Enrollment. Now, instantly see your 2017-18 selections through