The HCM upgrade arrives this December: Learn about affected procedures, view exciting new features and preview the updated Hire, Rehire and Additional Job processes.
This daylong event helps faculty and staff within five years from retiring create a strategy for a secure retirement. Employee Services, TIAA, PERA, Medicare and Social Security will present talks on CU campuses from Oct. 26 - Nov. 6.
Changes to Hire, Rehire and Additional Job processes will take place this December. Get ready with structured labs and webinars.
Download the presentation and learn more about the next HCM upgrade.
A new query has been added to HCM and three job aids have been retired from the HCM Document Library. This provides users with the most recent contract date information and campus-specific contract dates.
The next wave of HCM development will take place this December, and will focus on Hire, Rehire, Additional Job and some retroactive changes to Transfer. Learn more about the teams who are working to make the project a success, what’s changing and more.
Please ensure you use the new naming convention for pay run IDs, which will take effect by the next biweekly payroll.
Making a pay rate changes to contracts? Use these tips and resources when completing these entries.
Finalizing these tasks by the 10th of each month helps ensure any additional downstream updates can be completed in time for payroll.
The September monthly payroll and PET processing has been completed and payroll registers are now available.
