When a contract ends mid-month and a new contract begins during the same month, posting payroll can be tricky. Avoid confusing paycheck calculations by following these best practices for mid-month contract changes.
Occasionally, you’ll need to correct errors in payroll after it processes. CU’s HCM Payroll Expense Transfer (PET) solution has a number of helpful features to make reallocating funding a breeze.
There are a few best practices to keep in mind while creating a Payroll Expense Transfer (PET) to ensure correct accounting, a smooth fiscal year-end and collaboration between departments.
Verify pay funding sources as soon as the payroll registers are ready and take action to amend errors.
Verify pay funding sources as soon as the payroll registers are ready and take action to amend errors.
It’s best to complete overpayment corrections and Payroll Expense Transfers (PET) within the year they occur. See details and upcoming deadlines.
The clock is ticking: Complete and approve Payroll Expense Transfers by 6 p.m. July 13.
Learn the ins and outs of creating a Payroll Expense Transfer at a structured lab.
The September monthly payroll and PET processing has been completed and payroll registers are now available.