The university uses person of interest (POI) categories to manage non-staff who are allowed access to certain university resources and platforms. Starting Jan. 1, one classification of POI will no longer require a Social Security Number.
From initial planning to end user support after the release, see what it took to make recent Person of Interest and Transfer changes a success, and learn more about the second set of changes that will occur in December.
A fix was implemented to address issues caused when Business Unit and Department fields were not completed while creating, maintaining or adding a POI relationship.
Expired POI records will be inactivated on March 22. Use these step-by-step guides to identify and update expired POI records or reactivate a terminated POI.
Avoid inactivation of Person of Interest (POI) records that remain active in HCM beyond their planned exit date: Update them prior to the mass termination process that begins in March 22.