CU Careers is upgrading to Fluid Recruiting starting Aug. 25. Be on the lookout for updated guides and online learning resources.
Follow steps to find existing funding, create new positions and transfer an employee to a new department.
Short-term disability changes allow Classified Staff options to use paid accrued leave to supplement the benefit paid by disability.
The clock is ticking: Complete and approve Payroll Expense Transfers by 6 p.m. July 13.
Use HCM queries to find FY21 expired funding rows
If you pay parking fees, you can opt out and keep post-tax deductions
Employee Services encourages faculty, staff and students to review their state tax deductions, and determine if they would like to withhold additional state taxes from their paychecks
Follow these steps to ensure funding posts to the DBT.
Funding that crosses fiscal years will be manually entered.
In accordance 2018 legislation (SB 18-200), PERA contributions rates for employees and employers will increase on July 1. In addition, the Colorado legislature has advanced a bill to suspend a one-time $225 million state payment to PERA fund.
