A quick workaround will give you access to enter time. Please do not use the system to approve time until issues are resolved.
Payroll registers are available.
An update will be sent when registers are available.
If employees do not have set My Leave preferences, their timesheets will not load. We’ve created a query to allow HCM users to identify employees without set preferences, along with other resources.
HCM teams have identified a transaction error caused on hire, rehire, or additional job transactions when incorrect combinations of compensation frequency and compensation rate codes are used. We’ve provided details on compensation frequency and compensation rate code combinations that result in a successful hiring transaction. If you have recently created hiring transactions, here’s how to identify if you need to recreate it.
An update will be sent when registers are available.
See what’s changing with Hire, Rehire and Additional Job processes in December. Attend an HCM Town Hall on your campus from Oct. 1-5.
CU Staff Council, Faculty Council advocated for expansion of benefit
ePAR was experiencing timeouts and slowness. A fix was implemented today.
HCM system slowness has been reported today, along with some ePAR transactions timing out. We are aware of this and are currently working on a resolution.
