Employee Services will be closed on Tuesday, Oct. 1 for an all-staff meeting. During this time, staff will not have access to phones, email or voicemail.
We will respond to your communications after we will reopen at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2.
Use these HR/GL strategies to manage 2022 calendar year-end funding
As another year wraps up, HCM professionals play an important role in ensuring employee payroll, taxes and benefits process smoothly. In addition to the usual year-end tasks, there are unique situations that can arise with grant-funded positions and the electronic Personnel Effort Reporting System (ePERS).
What you can do about overpayments with grant funding
While waiting for the pay to be returned, move the overpayment from grants and contracts funding to institutional funding. Then credit the institutional funding once the pay is returned. This way, projects nearing completion don’t have to delay closing while pay is being recouped.
Think ahead to prevent re-certifications
Make the certification process a breeze for employees with grant funding by ensuring pay during the ePERS term is posted correctly before the employee certifies.
If pay requires reallocation for grant funding for an ePERS term after the employee certifies, a new certification is needed.
Neutralize negative ePERS amounts
Any negative ePERS amounts will cause the certification to fail. Use the PET funding template to apply 100% distribution to the entire position’s earnings, including RGS, leave, and dock codes. Consistent allocation avoids those hanging –RGS lines and makes for easy ePERS certification.
Handle effort reporting for new employees whose hiring overlaps the fall and spring terms
Worried about effort reporting for new employees hired during the overlapping bi-weekly pay period in January posting to both fall and spring terms? Here is a solution to ensure the right effort is posted to the right ePERs term.
EPERS uses the earnings begin and end dates rather than the pay period to track effort. If a new hire only starts effort in the new year, post the effort only to spring rather than fall.
If you want to post the earnings in ePERS to the spring term only, do not use a direct My Leave upload. It uses the full crossover biweekly pay period and ePERS then posts the pay to both fall and spring terms.
Instead, manually enter/upload the hours worked into CU Time using an earnings period that begins on or after 1/1/23. This way, when ePERS pulls in the earnings, it will only post earnings from the new year (even though they are paid in a cross-year pay period) to the spring term.
Need extra help?
Learn more about payroll contracts for faculty on the HCM website. You can also email: hcm_community@cu.edu or System.HRGL.Team@cu.edu.
Additionally, you can find HCM queries here:
- Log into the employee portal.
- Open the CU Resources dropdown menu and click Business Tools.
- Select the HCM tile and choose HCM Community Users from the drop-down menu.
- Click the HCM WorkCenter tile.
- Select the Resources tab and click the query you desire.
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