Use LTS for all hourly student employees’ late pay
When entering late pay into CU Time for an hourly student employee (job codes 4100), use the earnings code LTS (Late Pay for Students) rather than STH (Student Hourly). Pay is considered late if the pay period has already been processed by Employee Services.
Why do I need to use this earnings code?
Late pay with an STH earnings code can cause problems with work-study payment. When a student has a work-study award, STH earnings (when submitted as late pay) may be deducted from the wrong year’s work-study award.
Using an LTS earnings code and the request for transfer process (described below) allows Student Employment Offices to determine if Payroll Expense Transfers (PETs) can be used and ensure the earnings are applied to the correct award year.
Use the request for transfer process
Payroll liaisons will enter student late pay as a manual entry in CU Time using the earnings code LTS if the pay period has already been processed by Employee Services.
Campus Student Employment offices must be contacted to request all desired PETs.
CU Boulder
Submit the Late Pay/Hourly to Work-study Transfer Request after the late timesheet has been processed.
CU Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus
Submit the PET Request Form to after the late timesheet has been processed.
CU Colorado Springs
The Student Employment office will process all late pay for students. Submit the Late Pay Request Sheet as an attachment in the Student Employment Cherwell portal.
If you have questions regarding this change, please reach out to your campus Student Employment office.
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