Review contract entry changes, reminders before Dec. 1 HCM upgrade
With the Dec. 1 HCM upgrade, Transfer and Contract Transfer templates will make use of a Contract Cross-walk Table to simplify data entry for contract dates based on common contract periods.
Changes to contract entry
A contract can be involved with any Hire, Rehire, Additional Job or Transfer. After Dec. 1, users will search for a person, select a record to transact on (which will determine the transaction type), then click Submit.
A popup window will appear asking, “Is this a contract employee? Click Yes or No.” If Yes is selected, the contract version of the transaction template will populate with a section to fill out regarding the contract on the Pos and Job Infor tab. If No is selected, the non-contract version of the template will be used.
Review important contract information and reminders
Review important information and reminders before entering contract data.
Preventing contract errors
When users select Yes on the prompt, "Is this a contract employee? Click Yes or No," they are guided to the contract template they need. Each template version includes contract information fields in the Job Compensation - Pay Components section. Users must select Contract Term Period from the drop-down menu. Values in this menu are specific to each campus and come from the Contract Cross-walk Table.
All needed contract terms are defined in this table. Once the contract term period is selected, the required contract begin and end dates will populate automatically. If the contract does not conform to the defined contract term periods, Default Appointment Period must be selected. This will allow users to populate contract begin and end date fields.
Contract Cross-walk: Defaulted data
Many fields in the Contract Cross-walk cannot be edited. This saves data entry time and improves accuracy for Contract Hire transactions.
Contract Templates (CU Denver only)
The Contract Effective Date field can be edited for all contract types, not just academic year contracts. Other fields populated from the Contract Cross-walk cannot be edited.
Contract Cross-walk: Related Content
Available under the Related Content link, the Contract Cross-walk query provides information about contract periods that have been defined. It helps users understand values to enter or select in the Contract Term Period field.
Appointment and CU Contract End Dates
Users can populate the Appointment End Date field, but this does not control anything in the templates. Campuses use the Appointment End Date to control IT system access.
Additionally, a CU Contract End Date field has been added to the Contract templates and controls the Contract End Date, Payment End Date and Contract Termination Date fields. The CU Contract End Date field can only be edited when the Default Appointment Period is selected. Otherwise, it is grayed out and populated from the Contract Cross-walk Table.
Preventing contract errors: Overlapping contract
If users select Yes on the contract pay prompt window, they will be asked for the contract’s effective date. Functionality is in place to determine whether the new hiring transaction will result in an overlapping contract.
The system determines if the new contract’s effective date comes after the pay end date of an existing contract. If it is the same or comes before the pay end date of an existing contract, an error message will display saying, "This transaction will result in an error on this contract. Please return to the transaction launch page and execute this transaction on another record."
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