Department Budget Table rollover complete for FY 2022
The Department Budget Table (DBT) roll forward mass update successfully created the DBT for fiscal year 2022 by:
- Copying the most current FY21 funding row
- To create a funding row effective 7/1/2021
- For active position/department only where no 7/1/2021 row already existed.
To ensure accurate payroll funding after the roll forward, complete the following tasks:
- Positions funded by grants must have a funding end-date that is before, or equal to, the project end-date.
- Confirm that position funding is active for the entire pay period.
- To find active employees with expiring dates (within 45 days) for appointment end date, project end date, or funding end date, use the Funding Suspense Current Row query and update funding before the next payroll processes.
- Run the Funding Suspense Max Row query to find expiring or expired funding on the row with the furthest future date.
Here’s what to do for the biweekly PPE 7/10/21:
The last biweekly pay period from June 27 to July 10 crosses fiscal years. Confirm that funding exists in June and on 7/1/21. To update funding for this pay period, use the Apply To Next Fiscal Year checkbox (required for entries after June 29th) to simultaneously add two funding rows – one effective June 27 and a second one effective July 1. Now the entire pay period will be funded correctly.
The Apply To Next Fiscal Year feature will be disabled after this BW payroll deadline on July 16th.
Here’s what to do with newly created positions that cross the fiscal year:
When creating a position effective prior to July 1, 2021, add funding to the position HRGL Request with the position NEW effective date and use a separate CU Funding Entry page after the position is created to add funding effective 7/1/21 to continue funding into the new fiscal year.
Last Chance at FY21 PETs:
Remember to fully approve FY21 PETs by the second close deadline on July 14 at 6 p.m. to post to FY21.
Need extra help?
To access the HCM queries mentioned above:
- Log into the employee portal.
- Open the CU Resources dropdown menu and click Business Tools.
- Select the HCM tile and choose HCM Community Users from the drop-down menu.
- Click the HCM WorkCenter tile.
- Select the Resources tab and click the query you desire.
You can find more information on DBT funding entries on the HCM Funding Entry page.
As always, you can email or for additional help.
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