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Ensure reliable payroll for departing employees

Timing is everything when paying an employee who is terminated. 

Here are a few tips to ensure that an employee’s final pay or late pay after termination processes correctly.

 The employee’s position must remain in Active status until the employee’s last paycheck has completely processed. Inactive positions cause errors and must be reactivated during payroll processing.

 Active positions ensure active funding. Be sure funding is current through the end of the final paycheck. Avoid payroll suspense by ensuring that SpeedTypes and projects are in an active status, and funding end dates have not expired.

 Use the earnings begin and end dates in CU Time that reflect the actual earnings periods for the final pay (i.e., before the termination date).

 Don’t miss a CU Time My Leave upload by entering the termination row before the upload. Double check that all final My Leave timesheets and/or manual/regular CU Time entries are uploaded and approved by the payroll deadline for the final paycheck. 

 When entering a vacation and/or sick leave payout (upon retirement) in CU Time, enter the number of hours rather than a pay amount. The hours reduce the accrual balances after payroll processes. VCT and SKS campus funding sources are already in the DBT—no need for SpeedType overrides in CU Time.

 Review leave balances after the final payroll. After a vacation payout, use earn code VAA to reduce the vacation balance to zero, and after a sick leave retirement payout, use SKA to reduce the entire sick leave balance to zero (as needed).

 Tip: Remember that a positive VAA (adjustment) adds to the balance, and a positive VAC (usage) reduces the balance. The same is true for sick leave.

 Use the Auto Terminated and Auto Term Ineligible queries to confirm that any employees subject to auto-term were terminated as anticipated.

These simple steps will contribute to a smooth exit transition for CU employees.

Need extra help?

You can find HR/GL resources on the HCM Funding Entry page.

As always, you can email or for additional help.

To access the HCM queries mentioned above:

  1. Log into the employee portal.
  2. Open the CU Resources dropdown menu and click Business Tools.
  3. Select the HCM tile and choose HCM Community Users from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the HCM WorkCenter tile.
  5. Select the Resources tab and click the query you desire.

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