Salesforce Contacts and Marketing Cloud Subscribers share a 1:1 relationship but behave differently than one another. Checkout the scenario below to better understand the intricacies between the two.
Advancement communications are intended to be sent through eComm - and there are processes in place to achieve this. In order to capture your desired audience, you will have to work with both Advancement Reporting and your eComm specialist.
Salesforce bugs must be fixed by Salesforce. Learn how to navigate through the Salesforce Community to search for how-to's, share ideas, and report bugs. You can also Upvote Ideas to prioritize bug resolution.
Salesforce is powerful - if you know how to use it! Learn about the vast amount of data that's available at your fingertips and how sending emails and hosting events automatically enhances that perspective.
eComm specialists can share Report and Dashboard Folders and Subfolders with users and public groups. Those with access will be able to view its contents in Salesforce and in Marketing Cloud.