Interested in creating your own Salesforce Dashboard? Learn about considerations and next steps.
Learn how you'll be notified about eComm outages and unplanned maintenance. Salesforce users can set their own Salesforce Chatter Notifications and Post in Salesforce Chatter.
Learn how you'll be notified about eComm outages and unplanned maintenance. Salesforce users can set their own Salesforce Chatter Notifications and Post in Salesforce Chatter.
By implementing a simplified Marketing Cloud business unit and preference model across all campuses, the eComm team will reduce costs, streamline the constituent experience, and decrease the level of backend management needed. The current model has 151 business units and 373 associated preferences. This project aims to reduce these numbers by at least 50%.
When faced with a failed send, a send to 0, or failed Data Extension, review the items below. Often, the root cause is something over which you have control rather than a systemic failure in Salesforce or Marketing Cloud. If there is an outage or broad issue, users will be notified as soon as possible.
Person of Interest or POI data is used for Contacts with a non-traditional, close affiliation with CU. As of March 2023, POIs make up 32K+ Contacts. Some examples include Security / Training, Volunteer and Student Athlete.
Reports can often have the same contact listed numerous times, so identifying the unique count is important to confirm the Report criteria is accurate. Having a total 9,000 unique contacts when expecting 250 is an indicator of incorrect criteria and should be investigated.
Does a contact need to start (or stop) receiving a communication of yours? If your Report or Data Extension is based on a Salesforce Campaign, users can manage Campaign Members and create new Contacts when needed. Those audience changes will be reflected the next time the corresponding Report is sent to or Data Extension is started. It's a great way for users to continually manage small changes to an audience, without involving an eComm specialist.
For organizations with a large number of Salesforce users, Public Groups optimize performance and bring efficiency. Given eComm's 300 person userbase with an average of 20 new licenses each month, we couldn't manage without them.
Learn all about Reporting in eComm's instance of Salesforce, primarily to create audiences for communications sent through Marketing Cloud. Find templates of common populations available to clone with the option of further customizing and familiarize yourself with eComm's data dictionary to better understand the 500+ data points that can be leveraged.
