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Cvent Quarterly Updates

Cvent rolls out updates every quarter. Find a summary of updates that directly impact eComm along with a link to release notes from Cvent.

Release Notes | Event Management



Cvent Express Sunsetting

  • Mid-May | Cvent users can no longer create Express events.
  • September 30 | All created/launched Express events must be complete.
  • September 30 - December 31 | Completed Express events will remain available for post-event wrap-up.
  • December 31 & beyond | All Express events will be archived. 

Spring 2024

Event Registration, Surveys, Access Portal


  • New Quick Search Feature in Cvent: Planners require efficient event navigation solutions. Event Quick Search now allows organizers to search from any page within an event for Sessions, Speakers, Attendees, Discounts, and more, enabling quicker task completion. In the future, Event Quick Search will evolve to allow for like-term searching (For example: "Tickets" in place of Admission Items or "Attendee Type" in place of "Registration Type"), searching for settings, and actionable opportunities from search.

Event Registration

  • Lock Fields in Registration: Event administrators can now lock fields on the registration form to ensure that event builders do not miss collecting critical information during registration. This includes contact fields, registration questions, and custom widgets.

Access Portal

  • Access Portal User Group Pages: Several performance and usability improvements to Access Portal User Groups that Portal Managers use to manage group membership. This improved page will streamline the process for Portal Managers to add and remove users within these AP User Groups, as well as make it easier to view those Access Portals where the AP User Group has been added as a guest.
  • Access Portal Reports for Portal Managers: Two standard reports are available for Access Portal managers. The Email History report allows verification of emails sent to guests, including timing and delivery status. The Login History report assists in troubleshooting and verifying user login times, and also measures portal adoption within an organization.

Custom Widgets

  • With permissions for Custom Widgets, account users can upload files with code (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in Admin to create and manage custom widgets for their account that can be reused across events and solve for unique use cases. (Permissions are required for the user to do this)


  • Users can now add UTM parameters in Cvent for Cvent Event Weblinks for traceability and visibility. Edit existing Weblinks or create new ones to add UTM parameters manually or via copying/pasting a query string. 
  • Updated the look of the Weblinks page for a better user experience.


  • Answer Import: Planners using Event & Assessment Surveys for evaluation can now import answers to the questions on behalf of attendees. Allows planners to add attendees' answers if they have submitted responses in physical format or through a 3rd party application.

Access Portal Report Templates

  • New Admin Reports Available for Access Portal: Login Audit Report tracks Access Portal user's login frequency and timing. Email History Report provides data on outgoing Access Portal emails.

Attendee Hub, Onsite Solutions

Attendee Hub

  • Redesign & Added Attendee Fields: Deeper control over home page layout for planners. Increased visibility of quick links. Added My Schedule list view. Added profile fields for attendees including pronouns and long-form bio.
  • Pre-Filtered Sessions & Session Catalog: Pre-filtered lists will allow you to create a layer of navigation within your session catalog to help attendees discover sessions. These sections can be pre-defined based on attributes like tags, custom fields, and locations. Introducing a new view from the sessions list, designed to facilitate quick skimming through the catalog while still displaying the provided information to aid in making informed choices. Categories, custom fields, tags, and recommended sessions will all be displayed up front. Expanded video options in the event app to provide more engaging experiences
  • Added Session Guide to simplify complex agendas.
  • Redesigned the All Sessions list. Easier to read, full session name visible, and the ability for the attendee to quickly add sessions to their schedule.

OnArrival / Onsite Solutions

  • OnArrival Overview Screen Redesign: A visual refresh of planner-facing screens, including an updated navigation bar, has been released for OnArrival. This redesign brings UI changes to the iOS OnArrival app, allowing users to accomplish actions onsite more efficiently.
  • Mobile Self-Registration Onsite: Planners now have the ability to create unique onsite QR codes for walk-in attendees to scan upon arriving at your event. This allows them to register, check-in, and print their badge directly to OnArrival from their own device. Custom messaging available for OnArrival Android matches the OnArrival iOS feature released earlier in 2023.
  • OnArrival Badge Designer allows planners the ability to add background images for badges.


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