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Cvent | Support and Resources

Contact Cvent's premium support and utilize countless resources available at your fingertips. 

  • Once logged into your Cvent account:
    • Hover the question mark icon to the top right corner and
    • Select Help & Support in the dropdown.


  • You'll be taken to the Cvent Knowledge Base where you can:
    • Contact Cvent support with three options on the right hand side.
      1. Open a Case
      2. Chat on Messanger
      3. Requesting a Call
    • Search existing tutorials (step-by-step resources)
    • View My Cases in the top-right corner, if you contacted Cvent support previously


  • If you search existing tutorials, it can be useful to refine your search with the checkboxes on the right



Don't forget - you'll need CU's account code when contacting Cvent: UCCO003