Next Team Meeting, September Login Audit, Form Assembly Update, A/B Testing Session Reminder, MEC Chatter Group Reminder, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks & Data Monitoring
Fundraising Event Configuration Update, Salesforce Classic Access Removed for Users, Wikis Updated with Optional Quiz , Q4 Email Preferences Reminder, September Provisioning, September Login History Audit, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks & Data Monitoring
Q4 Email Preferences Reminder, September Login History Audit, Cvent Subscription Form Update: Form Assembly, Chatter Free Licenses for Cvent-Only Users, Chatter Engagement Dashboard, Content Detective Error, IER Archival Complete, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks and Data Monitoring
Account Name Required in Apsona, Q4 Email Preference Requests, TaskRay License Assessment, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks & Data Monitoring
Next Team Meeting: August 27, eComm Annual User Fee Timeline, Marketing Cloud Multi-Factor Authentication, IER Archival Underway, TaskRay License Assessment, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks & Data Monitoring
Success Stories, Duplicates Update, Dashcord Pilot Update, Updates to eComm Website, New Wikis, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks and Data Monitoring
The Cvent Virtual Attendee Hub® is an integral part of Cvent's Marketing and Management Platform, providing solutions to reliably and securely plan, promote, and drive engagement for virtual, hybrid, and in-person events.
Not sure how to complete a task or if you even have access to do so? Learn about roles & responsibilities along with how-tos on all eComm related tasks.
URL Format Change for Custom Profile Attributes, Reply Mail Management Email Formatting, Salesforce Chatter Free Licenses Update, Dashcord Pilot Update, Subscription Form Pilot Update, New/Updated Wikis, Ongoing TaskRay Tasks & Data Monitoring
Images used in Marketing Cloud emails need to be formatted to a certain size before being uploaded to Marketing Cloud. If you don't, the email might appear fine in Marketing Cloud when what's delivered to an inbox is completely different. Recipients of poorly formatted emails are less likely to read or engage and more likely to unsubscribe.
