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Creating a New Email Preference Category or Modifying an Existing Email Preference Category

NOTE This task requires assistance from your eComm Specialist.

eComm possesses well over 300 email preference categories for all campuses and units combined. That unfortunately equates to a lot of behind the scenes work not only to maintain preferences but also to create new ones and modify existing categories.

If you want to add a new email preference or modify an existing one, please contact your eComm Specialist to discuss options. Before deciding to create a new preference category, we encourage you to think about the following questions:

  • Can the email preference I want be combined with an email preference category that already exists?
  • If not, what are the specific business reasons why I need a separate preference category?
  • Is there an alternative to creating a new preference category that I may have not considered?

Your eComm Specialist can help you consider options and detail the path forward if it is determined that a new preference is needed.

ALERT eComm Specialists: Please note that as of November 2019, all new email preference requests and requests for changes to existing email preferences are ON HOLD pending a new preference management solution from the COE. Please contact Jennifer Mortensen if you have questions.