Start of the Year Tips, New Resources, and eComm Updates! January 2024 eComm User Newsletter.
Creating a good-looking email in Marketing Cloud is one thing, but ensuring it displays well across inboxes is a greater challenge. Learn to apply three best practices when using text blocks to have confidence in how emails display for recipients.
Don't forget to check that your emails display well on mobile devices! Approach email design with mobile in mind then test your work.
Are you giving people with a disability the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally inclusive manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use?
With eComm, a Cvent event can be configured to collect money for an event that will later be deposited to your speedtype. Users who host paid events must complete the Payment Card Industry (PCI) SkillSoft course annually and have an understanding of financial processes.
NEW Monthly eComm User Newsletter. December 2023 Newsletter: New Resources, eComm Updates, and Year-End Tips!
General Updates... Action Items... Roadmap Updates... Ongoing Opportunities... New/Updated Resources...
While adding images to emails is a best practice, embedding a video to be played within the email is sure to be a show stopper. Learn how Playable (at a cost) can work with Marketing Cloud to get videos added to your emails.
Have you already created and tested an awesome email? Save it as a template to make creating future emails even easier. It's the best way to ensure consistency today and down the road.
General Updates... Action Items... Roadmap Updates... Ongoing Opportunities... New/Updated Resources...
