Most communicators agree that email personalization leads to higher engagement rates among constituents. But what happens when first name personalization goes awry and we end up alienating the exact audience with whom we want to engage?
Ready to elevate your constituent's experience with your email? Consider using an attribute (such as preferred name) to personalize your communication.
Process Changes, Dashboard Subscription Emails, Roadmap Updates, Ongoing Data Monitoring
Although CU communicators engage with over 1.5 million contacts through Salesforce and Marketing Cloud, each contact represents an important member of the CU family. Contacts have their own interests, relationships with CU, and email preferences. Let your constituents know that they are important and recognized by using first name or salutation personalization tags in your email.
July MEC Meeting, August Provisioning, Annual SkillSoft Audit, Cvent Failed Refunds, Preferred Name Update, New/Updated Wikis and Resources, Outstanding Issues, Ongoing Data Monitoring
You might notice data in Salesforce that needs changed. This could be merging of duplicates or updating an email address, name or address. Learn about why these duplicates occur, how they are merged and how to update email/name/address information.
Team Updates, System Team Notification, FY23 Campus Billing, VPN Login Restrictions Removed, July Last Login Audit, New/Updated Wikis and Resources, Outstanding Issues, Ongoing Data Monitoring
Leverage numerous sets of CU, CU Anschutz and UCCS branded templates to increase the effectiveness of your communications. Each set contains numerous templates each so you can vary your email design (ie. a newsletter vs. an invite) while maintaining a similar look and feel.
Upcoming Team Meeting, Optimizing Salesforce Reports, Cvent Revenue Reporting, Q3 Business Unit and Preference Requests, New/Updated Wikis, Outstanding Issues, Ongoing Data Monitoring
Support Transition Update, Sharing Campaigns in Salesforce, Cvent Cleanup, Q3 Business Unit and Preference Requests, June Last Login Audit, New Wikis, Outstanding Issues, Ongoing Data Monitoring
