Cvent has three differnt types of event forms: Standard Registration, Express Registration, and Express Ticketing. More complex features, such as waitlists, registration paths, sessions, session groups, imported registrants, or name badges, will not be supported with an express event. Check out the 'Event Type Cheat Sheet' from Cvent for complete details.
Grow your contact list and increase registrations by letting the masses do your marketing. Once you enable invitation forwarding, registrants will be able to enter their friend or coworkers' email during registration and invite them to sign up too. Invitees can forward invitations during registration, from an email, or even from the regret survey after they RSVP "no."
With a few memorable reference IDs, you can find out which registrants accessed registration through your Facebook page, Twitter feed, or a sponsor's website. Use them to maximize your promotion efforts.
You know what they say about the internet: once something's on there, it's on there for-ev-er. All the more reason to double-check your settings before launch. Choose to make your event public during the Event Creation Wizard, and, once it's active, it will automatically display in search engines. Ensure that doesn't happen by following the steps below.