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Investing in CrowdCompass

Cvent's CrowdCompass app is an amazing event tool, but it comes at an additional cost since not every CU department wants or needs to utilize it. If you're considering purchasing CrowdCompass for an upcoming event, submit your request for more information. We'll put you in touch with with CU's team at Cvent so you can share your event information to determine the cost of purchasing the app (typically several thousand dollars per event). Some of these factors include but are not limited to:

  • The length of your event (one day vs. multi-day)
  • The expected number of attendees
  • The number of sessions within your event
  • Whether or not you want to purchase a multi-year contract

Offsetting CrowdCompass Costs

One of the most popular ways that CrowdCompass users offset the cost of the app is by reducing or eliminating the need for printed event materials, particularly for larger events. CrowdCompass can give your event attendees everything they need on their mobile devices so that you no longer have to design and print schedules, programs, maps, surveys, etc. It's a huge win logistically and can be a huge win financially as well.

Some units may also consider slightly increasing the cost of event registration to help offset the CrowdCompass fee.