Fisher Scientific distribution centers are closed for the Memorial holiday on Monday, May 29th.
If travel itineraries are being added to your calendar when you receive email reminders, your Outlook settings may need to be updated to prevent this from happening. To update, you there are five simple steps you can follow.
The domain, THERMOFISHERLIFESCIENCE.COM, has been identified as a look-alike for one of Thermo Fisher’s registered domains. The domain is NOT owned by Thermo Fisher Scientific and is believed to have been created with malicious intent and may be used to fraudulently engage colleagues, customers, and vendors.
Winter Holiday Closure Information
Effective January 1, 2023, the new threshold for a solicitation issued by the Procurement Service Center (PSC) will be $100,000 for both goods and services. As we move into a more stable supply chain, we are pleased to announce this permanent change to the procurement thresholds. As part of this change, and in accordance with Uniform Grant Guidance (2 CFR 200), all procurements above $10,000 must be “reasonable based on research, experience, purchase history or other information and documents it files accordingly.”
The Procurement Service Center (PSC) and Office of University Controller (OUC) have recently researched and clarified aspects of the current Business Expense Reimbursement policy. The result is the revised Finance Procedural Statement Business Expense Substantiation & Tax Implications, which is planned to take effect on January 1, 2023.
The University of Colorado has developed policies related to the processing of commercial credit card transactions (Procurement Card, Travel Card, Airfare Card), cash advances, and employee reimbursements that meet the IRS definition of an accountable plan.
With the end of the calendar year fast approaching, and all four campuses and the System office closing from December 26th through January 2nd, we wanted to provide critical dates on submitting requisitions, payment processing and other requests.
Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, escalating prices, and the labor market affecting both suppliers and the University of Colorado, the Procurement Service Center is extending the January 21, 2022 Procurement Declaration through December 31, 2022.
Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, escalating prices, and the labor market affecting both suppliers and the University of Colorado, the Procurement Service Center is extending the January 21, 2022 Procurement Declaration through November 30, 2022.
