In January, the Procurement Service Center updated the University’s Procurement Rule to update its purchasing thresholds to allow for informal competitive quotes by campus departments for purchases between $10,000.01 and $100,000 rather than requiring a Document Quote to be issued. This rule change is both compliant with Federal Uniform Guidance for grant and contract purchases and ensures that the University is being fiscally responsible with its purchases.
As communicated in the December PSC newsletter, CU has ended its emergency declaration that temporarily increased our bid thresholds for non-federal purchases. Effective January 1st, CU’s bid threshold is $100,000 for all goods and services. This is the threshold at which the PSC is required to issue a Documented Quote or Request for Proposals prior to issuing a purchase order.
The largest paper mill who is the primary manufacturer of recycled paper had a fire recently that has shut down production for recycled fiber, raw material, to all paper mills, all brands in North America. The Universities strategic supplier Staples, will be providing a suggested alternative item which you will notice when shopping for recycled paper to help bridge the gap while recycled options are unavailable.
The PSC was recently informed that Colorado Correctional Industries (CCi) is no longer accepting new orders for furniture. CCi will complete any orders that are already in place, including projects. Once those active CCi purchases and/or projects are complete, CCi will shut down their furniture operations.