As of Sept 26, individuals with any SpeedType fiscal role except Officerare eligible to be approvers in CU Marketplace.
What's changed: The Marketplace now recognizes Fiscal Principals and Fiscal Managers in addition to Fiscal Staff approvers.
What hasn't changed: Individuals who want approval capability in the Marketplace still need to request that authorization via the Financial Systems Access Request form ... in addition to making sure they have an appropriate SpeedType fiscal role.
Please plan to join us when we visit your campus, Oct 7-11, for our annual OUC Town Halls.
The Town Hall sessions are short, but full of information … on Continuing Professional Education opportunities, Cognos Reporting System developments, new FinPro Help Desk tools, and more. This is your chance to hear about what we’ve done lately – and to provide feedback on future directions. We promise a thoughtful exchange of ideas – and a few surprises!
Register now at
On Mon, Sept 16, the University and Campus Controllers launch their FY 2014 meeting series with an interesting array of topics for discussion, including:
Accounting processes, Accounting Handbook content, OUC Town Halls, PSC Town Halls, PSC Supplier Showcases, Concur optimization projects, Fund 36 (development) policies and procedures, position numbers, campus training (Cognos, Concur, etc.), CPSR Approval, SkillSoft, and Cognos reporting.
Questions on discussion points from this and any other Controllers’ Meeting should be directed to the appropriate campus controller.
At a lively reception on August 23, an innovative new mopping system for the Anschutz Medical Campus vivarium was honored with the University Controller’s Award for Excellence – top prize in the FY 2013 CU Shared Practices (CUSP) Program.
Last week, we opened registration for our September Continuing Professional Education classes ... and they're filling up rapidly. Don't delay if you have an interest in any of the following:
Mon, Sep 9: Identifying Fraudulent Transactions, Effective Presentations, Cognos: Financial Statement Reading, Reconciliation, and Forecasting
Tue, Sep 17: Fiscal Roles in Financial Systems and Reporting, Banking and Payments
The OUC sends out its thanks to the campus controllers’ offices and to all the organizational units who contributed to a successful year-end close for FY 2013.
Now we’ve moved on to the next phase. Our external auditors, CliftonLarsonAllen, are currently onsite for final fieldwork and will issue their report to the State Auditor’s Office later this fall. The University's Annual Financial Report for FY 2013 will be available on the OUC website in December.
The first quarter of our FY 2014 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program will include three days of courses in September – both new offerings, and popular repeats. Training dates are Mon, Sept 9; Tues, Sept 17; and, Thur, Sept 26.
During the week of August 19, we’ll provide details on the specific courses being offered in September, with their descriptions and instructor information.We'll also open registration for CU employees.
Learn about the CPE Program→
In August, President Bruce Benson and members of the CU System executive staff will join OUC members, campus controllers, and other guests at a reception honoring the 12 accepted CUSP submissions from FY 2013.
Successful professional development is the result of strategic thinking and planning -- a joint effort for the employee and his or her organizational unit.
The OUC promotes this effort through our Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program. Course topics range from accounting to personal skills development to computer expertise. We'll announce the complete FY 2014 CPE schedule later this month but for now, here's a preview: