The Office of University Controller (OUC) looks forward to fulfilling that promise as we commit to our updated goals and responsibilities for Fiscal Year 2014.
Key among these goals are: Administer and enhance CU financial and reporting systems; Establish internal controls to record, report, and safeguard assets; Lead the CU community in understanding and fulfilling their fiscal responsibilities; Expand and enhance communications; and, Impress our customers with outstanding customer service.
Many individuals across the campuses have been receiving email reminders about their 2013 Fiscal Assessment due dates. According to University procedures, the officers to whom these individuals roll up cannot complete their own required Fiscal Certifications until the Assessments are done.
If you've received such an email, please follow the instructions to log in to your campus portal and navigate to CU Resources - Business Applications - Fiscal Cert and Assessment.
We’ve recently updated select financial and procurement guidance and forms; the revised versions were posted on the OUC and PSC websites effective July 1.
The changes are largely due to questions and new processing associated with the transition of approximately 150 CU Foundation development employees to the University. The focus of these employees' work is donor cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship.
Many of the changes to policy, procedure, and form are minor – for example, adding references to the new advancement/development fund (Fund 36) to some of the OUC and PSC forms.
CPE for CPAs ... in a new fiscal year. The OUC has established the dates for our FY 2014 CPE course offerings. You can count on us to be: Still affordable. Still relevant. Still convenient. And now, even more frequent!
We're pleased to announce an expanded schedule this year of 11 days, instead of 7 or 8. So please save the dates:
Mon Sep 9 / Tue Sep 17 / Thu Sep 26
Mon Nov 11 / Thu Nov 14 / Thu Dec 5
Tue Feb 18 / Thu Feb 20
Thu Apr 10 / Tue Apr 15 / Thu Apr 17
Hope you'll join us! We look forward to a new year of teaching and learning together.
Good (Cognos) news: We recently migrated several m-Fin reports from the Cognos QA test environment to the Cognos production environment. Better input validation! More data elements! Learn about these enhancements at
More good news: No more m-Fin production migrations until *after* FY 2013 year-end close!
Welcome, Sarju Khadka!
Sarju joined the OUC in early June, bringing an extensive background in Cognos report-writing to our University-wide m-Fin project. She will work closely with our Associate Director for Reporting Systems, Carl Sorenson.
A certified Cognos developer, Sarju is also completing her CPA. She and her husband are relocating to Colorado from Minnesota, where she worked for US Bank. We are delighted she's now here at CU!
Need access to financial transaction update or inquiry? (FIN? Cognos? Marketplace? Procurement or Travel Card?)
Now there's an easy way to find out what training is required or recommended. The new Quick Reference Guide to Access & Training Requirements identifies the appropriateonline courses -- and the occasional live class -- for multiples systems. In addition, the resource explains how to request the desired access and provides links to specific application forms.
Do you like being shadowed?
Many of our callers to the Finance & Procurement Help Desk would like the FinProHelp Consultants to shadow them -- in other words, to look directly at their screens as the Consultants answer technical or procedural questions.
Good news in time for fiscal year-end: We'll be implementing a new (and better) shadowing tool later this month. Look for the announcement in a future OUC blog posting.