Our Mission

The Office of University Controller (OUC) provides leadership to the University of Colorado in financial recording, reporting, policy guidance, and communication. The University Controller, by delegation from the CU President, has authority over and responsibility for the fiscal practices of the University.

What We Do:

  • We manage the University’s financial system of record and its interfaces with purchasing, payables, human resources, the Cognos Reporting System, and other subsystems.
  • We work closely with campus controllers, state controller, and state auditor to prepare the external financial reports and to ensure that fiscal practices comply with regent policies, other external and internal rules and regulations, and generally accepted accounting principles.
  • We prepare the University's tax filings and administer its payroll-benefit accounting functions.
  • We help employees understand and fulfill their fiscal roles and responsibilities by developing financial policies; by providing 1:1 assistance through a centralized resource unit and through webinars, training videos, and blogs; and by delivering no-cost professional development through a comprehensive Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program.
  • We create explainer videos on behalf of other CU offices (Budget & Finance, Treasury, Internal Audit) to serve and educate state government entities and Colorado citizen interests.
  • We administer the CU-wide Innovation & Efficiency Awards employee recognition program.

Section Roles and Responsibilities-What Our Teams Do

Accounting Services provides:

  • Timely, accurate, and relevant financial information to the University community and all interested stakeholders
  • External financial reports and State interfaces for the University
  • Liaison activities with external audit agencies by acting as the administrative contact point for the independent auditors' fiscal examinations and preparing or gathering all necessary workpapers
  • Professional and technical support in the areas of recording, classifying, reconciling, and correcting financial transactions and in the use of ChartFields

Tax & Payroll-Benefit Accounting provides:

  • University of Colorado tax filings
  • Development and interpretation of University tax policies and practices
  • Appropriate safeguards for University tax and tax reporting compliance
  • Management of payroll-benefit accounting functions

Financial & Reporting Systems provides:

  • Maintenance of PeopleSoft Finance System (FIN) and assurance it produces appropriate financial information
  • Coordination with other offices in implementing new applications to ensure appropriate interfaces with FIN
  • Extension of value of Cognos Reporting System (CU-Data)
  • Administration of the University's electronic Personnel Effort Reporting System (ePERS) for compliance with 2 CFR Part 200-Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (commonly known as Uniform Guidance)

Financial Services & Solutions provides:

  • Development and communication of clear financial policies, procedures, and forms
  • Timely, relevant training materials plus comprehensive 1:1 assistance through the Financial Services & Solutions Help team
  • High-quality, relevant courses on financial and other topics through the OUC's Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program