PSC Procedural Statements: Guidance on policies and procedures relevant to procurement, payables, and travel. For assistance, contact

Policy or Procedure Name Purpose Effective Date
Advance Payment to Suppliers (ADV) This PSC Procedural Statement sets forth university requirements regarding the issuing of advance payments to suppliers and regarding the use of the Advance Payment to suppliers form. 07/01/2017
After-the-Fact Purchases  An After-the-Fact (ATF) purchase occurs when an organizational unit makes a commitment over $10,000 before the Procurement Service Center (PSC) issues a purchase order. This PSC Procedural Statement sets forth university requirements for the identification, notification, and processing of After-the-Fact purchases.  07/01/2017
Cash Advances This PSC Procedural Statement sets forth the rules and requirements under which employees may obtain cash advances to support university travel.  01/15/2025
Payment Voucher/Authorization This Procedural Statement outlines when a commitment voucher is not required in order to process an invoice. In these situations, the payment request may be submitted directly with the designated form. 05/01/2021
Procurement Card Handbook The Procurement Card Handbook provides information on the appropriate use and management of university-issued Procurement Cards. Guidance on allowable card uses, roles and responsibilities, and other program details can be found in the Procurement Card Handbook. Effective 07/01/2005, amended 07/01/2019
Procurement Rules Under these Rules, the Procurement Department is the final authority at the university for the selection of suppliers and the sole authority for the commitment of university funds with respect to the Procurement of Goods and Services. Effective 07/01/2005, amended 01/01/2024
Student Payments This procedural statement clarifies when payments to University of Colorado student sare processed: through the Procurement Service Center (PSC), Employee Services (ES), or the campus Office of Financial Aid (OFA), and when such payments are reported as taxable income or as financial aid. 01/01/2012
Study Subject Payments This PSC Procedural Statement (PPS) sets forth university requirements for processing study subject payments.  05/04/2016
Travel This PSC Procedural Statement (PPS) sets forth requirements for authorizing university travel, determining travel expenses that can be covered by the university, and accomplishing the reconciliation and reimbursement process. 01/01/2025
Travel Card Handbook The Travel Card is designed to facilitate payment of university travel-related expenses. Individual cardholders can use their card to pay for most of their university travel-related expenses, as well as for certain travel expenses for guests/non-employees.  
W-9 and Vendor Authorization This PSC Procedural Statement sets forth university requirements for supplier (vendor) registration prior to the issuance of a purchase order or payment. 03/22/2021
Wire Transfers This Procurement Service Center (PSC) Procedural Statement sets forth requirements to process a wire transfer payment when payment to an international supplier must be made directly to the supplier’s bank account and/or in a non-U.S. currency.  03/31/2023

Finance Procedural Statements: Guidance on determining allowability of certain expenses and recording/reporting them. For assistance, contact  

Policy or Procedure Name Purpose
Alcoholic Beverages Purchased for University Events The Administrative Policy Statement (APS) Alcoholic Beverages Purchased for University Events sets forth the parameters for using university funds to purchase alcoholic beverages for personal consumption at university events. Such purchases must comply with the APS, with all applicable procurement rules, and with the requirements of this procedural statement.
Business Expense Substantiation and Tax Implications Under the University’s accountable plan for commercial credit card use, cash advance, and employee reimbursement, employees are required to substantiate the business purpose of the expense, provide any required receipts/other documentation, and reimburse the University (if appropriate) within specified timeframes.
Complimentary Tickets This Procedural Statement sets forth university requirements for reporting such complimentary tickets and related expenses for employees and non-employees.
Gift Cards This Procedural Statement sets forth requirements for the authorization of gift card use.
Official Functions

This procedural statement sets forth university requirements for use of the Official Function form when food/beverage is purchased for an official function, or when alcohol is purchased for an official function or CU-hosted conference.
For information on how to purchase food, beverage, catered services, meeting facilities, and other items related to official functions, see the How to Buy Official Functions purchasing instructions.

Personal Technology and Telecommunications This Procedural Statement sets forth the rules and requirements under which the University may provide wireless telecommunications to employees and non-employees (including associates, affiliate fiscal staff, and other individuals) in support of official university business. The intent of this procedural statement is to provide reasonable assurance that such usage and expenditures are based upon consistently-applied and cost-effective practices, and that such usage and expenses are in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.
Petty Cash and Change Funds This Procedural Statement sets forth the rules and requirements for processing petty cash funds and change funds. It further outlines restrictions on the use of such funds.
Recognition and Training This Procedural Statement (a) sets forth university rules and requirements for using university funds to pay for recognition and training for employees, associates, and other individuals (including students); and, (b) is designed to provide reasonable assurance that recognition awards, rewards, and prizes distributed by the University are properly captured and subject to appropriate tax reporting.
Sensitive Expenses The matrix on this site outlines the allowability of certain sensitive expenses. Conditions listed for an item are in addition to meeting all tests of propriety and other requirements of the APS Propriety of Expenses.

Employee Services Procedural Statements: Information on payroll or tax issues related to purchasing/paying for certain goods and services. For assistance, see the specific procedure.

Policy or Procedure Name Purpose
Moving All employee moving expenses paid by CU are taxable. This applies whether CU is reimbursing employees or paying moving companies directly on their behalf.
(To pay a moving company directly, see How to Buy Moving Services)
Hire an Independent Contractor (Scope of Work) The University of Colorado Employee Services uses the scope of work form to determine if someone can be classified as an independent contractor. This determination is based on the nature of the relationship between the service provider and the university. As of March 11, 2024, the Department of Labor has tightened the requirements to classify someone as an independent contractor.