Introducing Yoanna Todorova

The OUC is pleased to introduce Yoanna Todorova, our new Consultant on the Finance & Procurement Help Desk. Yoanna joined the office in December.

Originally from Ruse, Bulgaria, Yoanna moved to the United States five years ago. She has a bachelor’s degree in  Economics and International Relations from Webster University in St. Louis (Missouri), where she worked for three years as a consultant on the IT Service Desk. Webster’s IT desk serves thousands of customers at campuses across the globe. During her time there, Yoanna was honored as their top student employee.

Yoanna has a passion for the outdoors and a passion for higher education . The combination brought her to Denver and to CU.

We're delighted that she's joined our team. Please take a moment to welcome her next time you hear her on the FinProHelp phones.

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