There's a new calendar in town.
On the Finance System Calendars tab at, you'll now find two options under the listing, "FY 2013 Year-End Calendar." The new online option -- at -- offers filters on activities related to Fiscal Year-End (FYE).
Do you hate it when headers disappear on your financial reports? Just remember: You are in control!
For your Cognos financial reports, run in HTML, you can keep those column headers visible on screen while you scroll. All you need to do is right-click anywhere in the list. In the resulting pop-up box, select Freeze Column Headings.
For more information, see Carl's m-Fin
Fiscal year-end 2013 is rapidly approaching. And this year, we’re substantially revising the information we provide to guide departments through this critical time period.
If FYE activities are part of your job responsibilities, you probably remember last year’s FYE Infosheet. That document listed processing deadlines for CU Marketplace and the Concur Travel & Expense System, along with detail on the year-end accrual journals and reversals.
Agenda items:
Campus Updates; FYE Close Procedures; FYE Infosheet for Departments; Personal Charges; Contract Delegation Letter; CU Foundation Events/Cost-Sharing; Audit; COFRS Modernization Update; Accounting Handbook (Revenue Recognition and other chapters); Protocol Reminder for UIS Issues; Scholarship Allowance (SA) report; Annual Financial Report Web Demo.
Questions on discussion points from this and any other Campus Controllers’ Meeting should be directed to the appropriate campus controller.
The Office of University Controller recently presented Town Hall sessions to share accomplishments and initiatives with campus staff and hear their thoughts and questions.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 ends at midnight on June 30. All FY2012 business must be correctly recorded in the People- Soft Finance System by the time of June month-end closing (around mid-July). However, not all FY2012 expenses will have been invoiced and paid by then. As a result, there are several processes that accrue these expenses to the proper month and fiscal year (June, 2012).
If you’re reading this newsletter, you need to know how to find the FY 2012 Year-End Calendar. It’s on the OUC website. You can navigate to it by clicking on Finance System, then System Calendars.