This weekend the new versions of m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY and m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS migrate to production.
Tuesday evening, February 26th, the following five reports migrate from Cognos QA to Cognos production:
Recently the available balance calculation for m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY was changed for fund 34 and fund 35.
The Cognos QA version of each of these three m-Fin reports migrates to production this weekend.
Now m-Fin ORG TREE LIST has an EXTRAS prompt for adding Fiscal Principal and Officer columns to the report.
Seven m-Fin reports have migrated to CU’s production Cognos environment.
Responsible for maintaining fiscal role assignments? Try m-Fin FISCAL ROLES.
We’ve made the following improvements to m-Fin POSITION BUDGET.
We are changing the selection criteria for m-Fin PAYMENTS RECEIVED and m-Fin PAYMENTS RECEIVED ORG OVERVIEW so that they properly select data for fiscal years prior to FY 2007.
Today improvements to three m-Fin reports will migrate from Cognos QA to Cognos production.
