We are not able to exclude content from CU-Data's search results and this is hindering its usefulness.
We are improving m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS.
The prompts on the HTML output for m-Fin PROJECT EXPENDITURES BY MONTH are getting fixed.

In m-Fin PEOJECT SPENDING TRENDS, the needles were missing from gauge chart. This is fixed and is now in production.

The payroll encumbrance process did not complete normally this month. HCM is preparing to fix and re-run it on Friday, May 26.
We are fixing an issue with prompts in m-Fin SPEEDTYPE ONE-LINER.
We are fixing a paging problem with m-Fin TRIAL BALANCE TOTAL.
Here is how to copy your old Cognos 10 "my folders" into the new CU-Data "my content."
On a prompt page? This is not a good time to select a different output format.
m-Fin EXPENDITURE TYPE SUMMARY throws an error when paging down through multi-page html output.
