Coming into the office to work can be refreshing and a nice change of pace after an extended period of remote work. When coming to 1800 Grant, there are a few things to remember.
On a busy day, saving just one file to your desktop can be tempting, especially if you’ll need to retrieve it again in a few minutes. Over time, though, those files become visual clutter and may impact your focus.
Remaining vigilant in safeguarding sensitive information is a priority in today’s digital world. There are multiple options for file storage that depend on the content of your file or document.
Remote and in-person work environments function efficiently when positive communication and collaboration are the norm.
If you need to send a poll to find a meeting time, there’s no need to use third-party tools like Doodle. You can do it faster right from Outlook.
Google Chrome has intuitive hotkeys to save you time when you mistakenly close a tab or need to refresh your tab. Here is a few that can be helpful in a pinch.
Entering the wrong password too many times and finding your CU account locked is never fun. Realizing it’s after normal business hours only adds to the frustration. Luckily, there is a quick fix.
Time away from work is vital to balance and mental health, but the vacation glow often ends at the first sight of an overflowing inbox. These inbox tips can help you avoid overwhelm your first day back at work
By learning keyboard shortcuts you can perform actions more quickly, enabling seamless navigation across your tabs and applications.
Enabling user registration on Zoom can turn your meeting into a more organized and manageable webinar or training session, with options for waiting rooms, branding, pools, surveys, and live streaming.
