Multi-factor authentication keeps your data and CU information secure. Learn how Smart MFA will decrease the number of times you need to authenticate with Duo over time.
Usually, when a user has an issue viewing the entire Skillsoft screen or menu, it is because they are using a mobile device or just moved from a docking station with a monitor to their laptop screen. Here's how to fix this.
Skillsoft keeps a real-time record of your completed trainings. Here’s how to view it within Skillsoft.
Skillsoft is the application used to facilitate and capture training across the University of Colorado. It’s managed by Employee Services, but there are a couple questions UIS often receives when users access Skillsoft.
Important security updates require all University of Colorado System devices to connect to the CU VPN in September.
All CU Systemwide applications will be unavailable during the 60-hour Data Center Move.
Best practices for meetings in general, like sharing an agenda in advance, still apply to hybrid meetings. There are unique challenges and benefits to hybrid meetings where several participants are in the same meeting room while others are remote.
Coming into the office to work can be refreshing and a nice change of pace after an extended period of remote work. When coming to 1800 Grant, there are a few things to remember.
On a busy day, saving just one file to your desktop can be tempting, especially if you’ll need to retrieve it again in a few minutes. Over time, though, those files become visual clutter and may impact your focus.
Remaining vigilant in safeguarding sensitive information is a priority in today’s digital world. There are multiple options for file storage that depend on the content of your file or document.
