m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY is being changed to accommodate Standing Purchase Orders from CU Marketplace. There is also an accompanying database change. The OUC is testing now in Cognos QA. You are welcome to test as well. For the duration of testing, March 21st through April 5th, Cognos QA reports will prompt for database. If you run against the CIWQA database, m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY will identify Standing Purchase Order encumbrances from CU Marketplace as shown below.

Please be aware that the CIWQA data might not be completely up-to-date because it does not refresh each night.

CIWQA is slow
You will find the CIWQA database is extraordinarily slow. Fear not. The CIW production database is much faster, and will remain so.
In a nutshell
If you have CU Marketplace SPO’s, run the QA version of the report against the QA version of the database to see them. If this testing goes well the changes will migrate to production April 6th.
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