FishNet was a query system created by CU to deliver CIW data. Now CU is working on retiring Fishnet, transitioning the remaining users to Cognos reports. For FishNet’s financial queries this will be Cognos m-Fin reports. The first FishNet query we have addressed is PAY DETAIL BY DEPT ID OR EMPLOYEE ID.
Let us know if these m-Fin reports will work for you
If you have been using FishNet PAY DETAIL BY DEPT ID OR EMPLOYEE ID, please test these Cognos based replacements and post a comment here on this blog to let us know if they will meet your needs. Test in Cognos QA: [8-sep-2012 These are in production now.]
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Search by name
To search employee names, use Contains any of these keywords under Options.

Search by org or project in m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY
m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY sports some ADDITIONAL SEARCH CRITERIA prompts that can help you find employees. These limit search results only. They do not affect the final run of the report because the final run is simply for the employees you insert into the Choice column. Here is an example setting up a run for employees having an Org 20528 payline. The final run of the report will be for the inserted employees, all of their pay.
The percent symbol is the wildcard character for Cognos search.

More to come
Please evaluate these two m-Fin reports on how well they substitute for FishNet PAY DETAIL BY DEPT ID OR EMPLOYEE ID, which does not report encumbrances and is not a position budget report. We know some of you need encumbrances and some of you will be concerned about the FishNet POSITION BUDGET reports. Later we’ll have more m-Fin’s that will address these other needs.
No changes during fiscal year end
Summer is CU fiscal year end, a time when we keep production changes to a minimum. So we will continue doing FishNet replacement work in Cognos QA during the summer, getting ready for September. No FishNet reports will be taken down this summer. No production m-Fin reports will change this summer. Then in September we will begin decommissioning individual FishNet reports and migrating m-Fin changes into production from Cognos QA. We expect to have all FishNet financial queries decommissioned by the end of December, 2012.
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