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Would you like to see all the projects that are ending/ended in a selected time period that may also be overspent or underspent? Then, please try the new m-Fin PROJECT ENDING STATUS report available in CU-DATA QA. You can also render the report using PROJECT ACCOUNTANT, PROJECT FISCAL MANAGER, and/or PROJECT PRINCIPAL and review financials for a high number of projects at once. [now in production]

The report will highlight the BUDGET REMAINING AMT column if the project is overspent, and highlights the BUDGET USED PCNT column if the project is underspent.

If you like the m-Fin PROJECT SPENDING TRENDS report, then you will like the new m-Fin PROJECT ENDING STATUS report.

There are a few differences between the two reports:

  • The new report does not have the GAUGE CHARTS, HOT FILTER, and EXCLUDE PROJ ID prompts.
  • The report lists the Award Code column as a default, and therefore, is not removable.


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