Human Capital Management (HCM) is a human resources solution that helps manage and develop employees and increase engagement.

Human Resources teams can track HR data, demographics, complete payroll, benefits, employee recruitment, compensation and budgeting.

Required trainings

Identify your role to determine which courses you need to take. 

Required Skillsoft courses by role

Role Name Fiscal Code of Ethics Information Secruity and Privacy Awareness HCM Fundamentals HCM Paying People HCM Updating Data Recruiting with CU Careers
CU HCM User Inquiry X X X      
CU Time Entry X X X X X  
CU PET Regular Users X X X X X  
CU Campus HR Staff X X X X X X*
CU Enterprise Training REporting X X X      
CU Security Coordinator Campus X X X      
CU Risk Management X X X      
*CU BouLDer's HR liaisons and Campus HR staff use Avature for recuriting purposes. Please contact the CU Boulder HR office for training requirements.


Access Skillsoft courses 

Course titles Key topics and skills
CU: Fiscal Code of Ethics University's Fiscal Code of Ethics (focusing specifically on the Employee Code).
CU: Information Security and Privacy Awareness An explanation of how and why CU employees must protect information.
CU: HCM Fundamentals A high-level overview of HCM.
CU: HCM Paying People Payroll cycles, calendars, MyLeave and CU Time.
CU: HCM Updating Data Managing employee data, types of data changes, tables, effective dates, sequencing and more.
CU: Recruiting with CU Careers Posting jobs and data-sharing between HCM and CU Careers.

Learn more about HCM with our optional training and webinars


Access courses in Skillsoft

How to locate a course:

  1. Log on to your campus portal.
  2. Select the Skillsoft tile on the home page.
  3. Select Library from the top of the screen.
  4. Select your campus folder.
  5. Select a topic from Categories.
  6. Select a course and click LAUNCH.

Having trouble with Skillsoft? Visit Skillsoft Help for more information

Request access

The CU Identity Manager (OIM) is CU's access request and management system. 

  Review this roles document to determine the roles to request in the CU Identity Manager (OIM).  

Once you've completed training: 

  1. Log into the CU Identity Manager (OIM) using your campus login and password. 
  2. Follow the CU Identity Manager (OIM) access request instructions. 

The CU Identity Manager (OIM) will check that you have completed the required training for your requested role. If you have not completed the required training, you'll receive an email listing outstanding courses you must complete. Then, log back in to the system and self-approve your request so it routes to your manager/sponsor for approval. 

If you have questions during this process, please contact the UIS Service Desk and Access Management

Common users

Access is comprised of a variety of different levels of user including:

Employee self service: The largest population, this type of HCM user is performing activities including, but not limited to, entering and/or approving timesheet information, viewing paychecks, maintaining personal data like direct deposit, address, phone number and W-4. Benefits-eligible employees, retirees and surviving spouses perform annual benefits Open Enrollment elections within HCM.

Campus users: Many HCM activities are performed by campus liaisons in departments across the university. These include, but are not limited to, hiring, promotions, pay increases, transfers, terminations, position management, timekeeping, payroll and leave adjustment activities.

Elevated access and super users: These users are members of Employee Services HR, Benefits and Payroll departments as well as UIS HR IT Services and Application Development teams. They are responsible for performing, maintaining and/or supporting critical business activities including centralized functions of payroll production, HR/GL processing and benefits enrollment support.