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Sign up for alerts using the webform below.

The RAVE Notification System is an alerting service used by the University of Colorado System Administration to communicate information regarding IT service maintenance events, IT service interruptions, 1800 Grant building emergencies, and System Administration building closures due to inclement weather. 

Review the toggles below to determine which types of alert you'd like to receive.

CU System Administration

CU System employees are automatically enrolled in email alerts but must opt in to receive alerts via text message. RAVE alerts available to opt-in for texts include:

  • IT emergency maintenance and unplanned outage emails
  • Weather Closures according to CU Denver’s weather closure schedule

CU System Administration follows CU Denver’s weather closure schedule. By signing up for texts, you’ll receive CU Denver’s weather closure and delay alerts, which also apply to CU System Administration.

CU Campuses

CU employees working at one of four campuses can sign up for both email and text messages about IT maintenance and unplanned service outages.

Employees can also sign up for non-production maintenance windows.  Non-production maintenance windows only affect the testing and development versions of CU's production systems. All live systems are not impacted. These alerts are only recomended for IT professionals impacted by these windows.

Open Enrollment

All benefits-eligible CU employees may sign up for text alerts regarding deadlines and information about selecting their benefits during CU’s Open Enrollment (typically in late April) and Medicare Fall Enrollment (typically in October).

Note: If you're currently enrolled in alerts for weather, closures, IT maintenance or IT system unplanned outages, you must also enroll separately in Open Enrollment alerts.

CU campus RAVE alerts

Subscribe to CU campus RAVE alerts by completing the appropriate campus form:

CU Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus
CU Boulder

Register for RAVE Alerts

You must be an employee at the University of Colorado to receive these alerts. We will only add CU emails into our system.
Do not add dashes to your phone number. Note: Open Enrollment RAVE alerts will only be sent via text.
Do not include dashes in your phone number. RAVE text alerts for maintenance or unplanned outages are optional.