Content. It's the heart of effective marketing. While you certainly can't replace quality content, you can utilize it in clever ways to ensure that you achieve the greatest impact when it comes to achieving key metrics. Check out these Marketing Cloud resources to get started.
Gearing up for an event can be tough. Thankfully, Cvent offers functionality to help streamline operations to make sure that your event preparation goes smoothly. When you combine that with their handy tips and tricks for utilizing best practices, you'll be able to transition seamlessly into your next event.
We talk a lot about how Salesforce is the center of the eComm ecosystem. But what does that really mean? How does Salesforce work? What can be achieved with Salesforce? Are there specific ways that Salesforce can be translated to adapt to the world of higher ed? The answers to those questions, and more, can be found in these upcoming Salesforce calendar items.
Everyone knows how precious minutes are, especially during a busy event week. Take back time on your calendar by using handy tips and tricks highlighted by Cvent experts.
The latest Cvent product update has just been released! New and improved functionality is outlined in a recent Cvent webinar. You can also read through the release notes or flip through the release presentation slide deck.
When it comes to using the eComm applications, understaning the terminology is a major boost toward success. Cvent recently released a blog post that defines different terminology, or lingo, specific to the event management tool. Plus, a recent episode on the Cvent podcast, Don't Forget Your Name Bagde, dives into key topics specific to hosting events for millenials.
Properly implementing strategy is essential for driving effective communications. In a recent Marketing Cloudcast episode and blog post, the folks at Marketing Cloud present helpful tools to enable simple, effective strategy that is well-informed by data and analytics.
We all know that marketing is as much an art as it is a science. This is particularly true for event marketing. Check out this Cvent blog post for quick tips specific to event marketing. You can also catch up on the latest news from Cvent with their Q2 update recorded webinar.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud has great online resources to help you stay on the cutting edge of email marketing. Their tailored blogs and informational booklets provide a wealth of information and insight. Shinning a spotlight on a couple of these resources, we'll take a look at a blog post and podcast that both contain useful insight on marketing best practices.
Does your office or department leverage social media for communication and engagement? If so, these Salesforce resources may contain helpful information for you and your team. "By 2017, 89% of marketers expect customer experience to be their primary differentiator," (Gamer 2016) so keeping up with best practices is important.