The NavBar is the "hamburger" icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner of your screen. As its name implies, the NavBar offers additional options for navigation in the "fluidized" Finance System.
Click the hotspots below to get familiar with the NavBar.
Read the procedures
Clicking the NavBar gives you access to 4 key options:
Recently Visited
Recent Visited lists the five most recent pages you've visited in FIN.
Favorites -- if you've set any -- appear here. You can edit existing Favorites (change their names, change the order in which they appear) here. You'll add new favorites from the specific pages.
- To learn how to create Favorites, see Adding Favorites.
Menu (Previously Navigator)
The Menu provides what you're used to seeing as a drop-down from the Main Menu in FIN before Fluid. You can use the Menu as an alternative to navigating using tiles. Items in this menu are sorted alphabetically. As you click through the folders, you can use the blue links to easily navigate back to the main menu.
Classic Menu
You can use the Classic Menu to see FIN as it looked before Fluid: text menu in a column on the left side of the page, and without tiles or related graphical interface.