April 5, 2024

Coming soon: We're happy to announce that we'll be launching an enhanced OUC Forms website later this month. The redesign will involve two parts of our website at www.cu.edu/controller.

General OUC Forms webpage

  • When you click on our new main OUC Forms webpage later this month, you'll see a consolidated listing of both longstanding “Finance” forms (the ones seen on the current OUC Forms page) and certain "PSC" forms (the PSC forms that are guided by Finance procedures but that have previously only appeared on the PSC Forms webpage: think Official Function, Recognition Reporting, Gift Card Authorization Request, etc.). After the website redesign, these "PSC" forms will appear on both the PSC and OUC websites.
  • In addition, based on campus input last fall, the new main OUC Forms site will present a better user experience and will incorporate form descriptions, a search function, help capability, and news feeds.

Individual OUC Forms webpages

  • When you select one of our OUC forms from the new website later this month, you'll find a streamlined webpage with immediate access to the form download link. No more scrolling to the bottom of the page to access the form you want: the top request from campus departments was that we move the link to the top of the page to save them time!
  • Based on additional campus input, the new individual form pages will offer reduced scrolling, revision history, FAQs, and feedback/help options.

Future Redesign of OUC Forms

  • Note that the individual forms themselves will not change with the website updates later this month. 
  • However, the enhanced website paves the way for the OUC Forms Redesign Project. During this project, we'll be working with campus experts to review forms required by CU System Finance procedures in terms of business process, pain points, and desired reengineering out of Excel and into automated platforms (OnBase, Adobe, etc.).

Look for more information on OUC Forms website enhancements and the Forms Redesign Project in future OUC Newsletters.

Questions/comments? Reach out to the Financial Services & Solutions (FSS) Help team at FSS@cu.edu