Following is a list of common abbreviations used in Account descriptions.
Acc - Accrued
Admn - Administrative
Aff - Affiliate
Allw - Allowance
Annl - Annual
Ant - Annuitant's
Assc - Associate
Asst - Assistant
Aw - Awards
Ben - Benefits
Bdg - Budget
Class - Classified Staff
Cln - Clinical
ComSv - Community Service
Cnt - Contribution
Cnv - Conversion
Diff - Differential
Disab - Disability
Fac - Faculty
Fed - Federal
Fell - Fellowship
FT - Full-time
Grad - Graduate
Hr - Hourly
IA - Inactive Account
Inc - Incentive
Ins - Insurance
Lv - Leave
Mmk - Matchmaker
MdRs - Medical Resident
Ncash - Non-cash
NHr - Non-hourly
NonGen - Non-General
NGF - Non-General-Fund
NRsTtnRsP - Non-residential Tution Remission Resident Portion
NRsTtnDptP - Non-residential Tution Remission Departmental Portion
NRsTtnCmpP - Non-residential Tution Remission Campus Portion
O/E - Officer/Exempt
OffC - Off-campus
OnC - On-campus
Other - Oth
P - Permanent or Regular
P703 - Prior to July 1, 2003 (FY04)
Pay - Payroll
Per - Personnel
PreD - Pre-doctorate
PO - Payout
PoDoc - Post-doctorate
PRA - Professional Research Associate
PrcPl - Practice Plan
Prof - Professor
Prfl - Professional
PT - Part-time
Rf - Refund
ResPrt - Residential Portion
Ret - Retiree
RsAs - Research Associate
Rsch - Research
RsTtnRms - Residential Tution Remission
RtrPl - Retirement
Sal - Salary
Sec - Secondary
Sep - Separation
Suv - Survivor
Std - Student
T - Temporary
Tch - Teaching
Trm - Terminated
Ttn - Tuition
TtnRms - Tuition Remission
UG - Undergraduate
Unemp - Unemployment
Vac - Vacancies
Vst - Visiting
WS - Workstudy
WrkCmp - Workers' Compensation
Wv - Waiver