There are so many gadgets out there - laptops, smartphones, tablets, to name a few. Nowadays, there is an app for everything. Apps can be downloaded and become beneficial in your Online Classroom for several reasons! They can improve student communication, promote collaboration and create stronger relationships between students and faculty.

Video conferencing has become the new way of life. For many, in-person meetings, where there is the freedom to use different locations or take walking meetings, have been replaced with virtual meetings. We now leave our desks just a few times during the day, yet we find ourselves exhausted. Often referred to as “Zoom Fatigue,” it’s the feeling of tiredness or burnout after countless video meetings. Here are a few tips and tricks to help combat Zoom Fatigue and set your meetings apart!

Due to recent events, many are turning to the platform Zoom Video Communications to virtually communicate. You may have heard the term “Zoombombing.” Zoombombing is when an uninvited attendee crashes your meeting, intending to disrupt and cause problems. There are a few precautions you can take to help prevent Zoomboming in your next meeting.
Being creative comes naturally to some; they can design and create easily and quickly. For some of us, it’s a bit harder to get the creativity flowing; we need a little guidance! Before becoming a Training Coordinator, I hadn’t heard of Canva. When I first heard the name, I was picturing a tool to design blank canvases. Canva is an easy graphic-design tool that’s incredibly user-friendly.