The CU College of Nursing Sheridan Health Services ribbon cutting ceremony celebrated the expansion of this important program.
The Ent Center for the Arts groundbreaking ceremony had several Colorado Springs delegation members in attendance.
Members of the General Assembly's Capital Development Committee and Colorado Department of Higher Education staff toured the CU-Boulder campus.
This edition, we spotlight State Representatives Yeulin Willett (R-HD 54 Grand Junction) and Dan Pabon (D-HD 4 Denver).
Updates on State, Federal, and Campus Activities.
May 6, 2015 marked “sine die”, the final day of the 2015 state legislative session.
UCCS Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak gave a presentation to the Senate Education Committee on the impressive collaborative efforts in Southern Colorado in which the campus is engaged.
Dr. Margarita Bianco, Associate Professor at CU Denver’s School of Education and Human Development, and her students testified in support of HB 15-1349, “Grow Your Own Teacher Colorado Initiative."
In April, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper held a signing ceremony for HB-1295, "Plumbing and Electric Inspections at CU."
On March 23, CU-Boulder had a strong presence at the Colorado Aerospace Day at the Capitol, hosted by the Colorado Space Business Roundtable and the Colorado Space Coalition.
