icon of people profiles in a group in gold with dark grey background

Faculty Council Members, AY 2023-24

The Faculty Council is composed of: the officers of the Faculty Council (Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary); the immediate past Chair of Faculty Council for the year following retirement as chair; the chairs of the campus faculty assemblies; the chairs of the standing committees of the Faculty Council and of the Faculty Senate; and three representatives from each of the campuses of the university; 

Each campus faculty assembly is responsible for appointing campus representatives at large to serve on Faculty Council, serving a term of three years with renewal possible for a second term.  More information can be found on the Get Involved webpage. 


Chair, Faculty Council & Vice Chair, Faculty Senate

Alastair Norcross

CU Boulder

College of Arts & Sciences

Vice Chair, Faculty Council

Jorge Chavez

CU Denver

School of Education & Human Development

Secretary, Faculty Council

Vicki Grove

CU Boulder

College of Arts & Sciences

Immediate Past Chair, Faculty Council 

Cindy O'Bryant

CU Anschutz

School of Pharmacy


Chair, Budget & Finance Committee

Diana White 

CU Denver

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences 

Co-Chair, Committee for Racial & Ethnic Equity

Carlos Reali

CU Denver

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences 

Co-Chair, Committee for Racial & Ethnic Equity

Thomas Beck

CU Denver

Auraria Library 

Chair, Communications Committee

Laura Rosenthal

CU Anschutz

College of Nursing

Chair, Educational Policy & University Standards Committee

Ravinder Singh

CU Boulder

College of Arts & Sciences

Co-Chair, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Committee

Carey Candrian

CU Anschutz

School of Medicine

Co-Chair, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Committee

Troyann Gentile

CU Denver

School of Education & Human Development

Chair, Personnel & Benefits Committee

Jeffrey Schrader

CU Denver

College of Arts & Sciences 

Co-Chair, Women's Committee

Anna Kosloski

CU Colorado Springs

College of Public Service 

Co-Chair, Women's Committee

Esther Lamidi

CU Colorado Springs

College of Letters, Arts & Sciences 

Representative at Large Ethelyn Thomason Larsen CU Anschutz School of Dental Medicine Term 1, AY 2019-2022
Representative at Large Vacant CU Anschutz    
Representative at Large Vacant CU Anschutz    
Representative at Large Vicki Grove CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2020-2023
Representative at Large Alastair Norcross CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Representative at Large Tad Pfeffer CU Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Representative at Large Thomas Aicher CU Colorado Springs College of Business Term 1, AY 2020-2022
Representative at Large Farida Khan CU Colorado Springs College of Letters, Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Representative at Large Glen Whitehead CU Colorado Springs College of Letters, Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2020-2023
Representative at Large Joanne Addison CU Denver College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Representative at Large Michael Harper CU Denver Business School Term 1, AY 2019-2022
Representative at Large Elizabeth Steed  CU Denver School of Education & Human Development Term 1, AY 2021-2024