icon of a group of people in gold color with dark grey background

Committee Charge

Adopted May 2021

The (Dis)ability and Access Committee considers concerns of faculty with disabilities, including:

  1. Assessing and promoting the cultural climate of the university as it pertains to opportunities of faculty with disabilities for academic advancement, productivity and appropriate compensation;
  2. Making recommendations and promoting inclusive pedagogy for creating an academic environment that fosters academic success;
  3. Working to assure fairness in the recruitment and retention of faculty with disabilities;
  4. Developing support networks and recommending policy to address the needs of faculty with disabilities;
  5. Working as a liaison with other units/centers/committees/task forces to transform pedagogy to further universal design and accessibility in the system;
  6. Promoting movement from a medical vision to a socially inclusive vision of accessibility as part of the DEI mission of the university;
  7. The (Dis)ability and Access Committee represents the concerns of faculty who identify as having a disability (physical, psychological, cognitive, sensory, or invisible) whether they choose to disclose or not, as well as colleagues who support the disabled community.

This committee is currently inactive.

Issues pertaining to disability and access are currently being managed at the campus level.

Please refer to the campus specific office of disability services.

CU Boulder https://www.colorado.edu/resources/disability-services
CU Denver https://www.ucdenver.edu/offices/disability-resources-and-services/about...
Anschutz  https://www.cuanschutz.edu/accessibility
UCCS https://disability.uccs.edu/

 Past (Dis)ability and Access Committee Members, 2022-23

Heather Albanesi, Co-Chair CU Colorado Springs College of Letters, Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Colleen Donnelly, Co-Chair CU Denver College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Lisa Meeks CU Anschutz School of Medicine Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Jim Sandstrum CU Anschutz School of Medicine Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Alicia Wong CU Anschutz School of Medicine Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Adam Norris CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Jose Tapia-Fuselier CU Colorado Springs College of Education Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Lorraine Evans CU Denver Auraria Library Term 1, AY 2021-2024
Vacancies CU Boulder - 2 vacancies    
  CU Colorado Springs - 1 vacancy    
  CU Denver - 1 vacancy    

Meetings, AY 2021-22

September 2, 2021 1 - 3 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
October 7, 2021 1 - 3 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
November 4, 2021 1 - 3 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
December 3, 2021 (FRIDAY) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
February 3, 2022 1 - 3 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
March 3, 2022 1 - 3 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
April 7, 2022 1 - 3 p.m. Zoom Video Conference Minutes
May 5, 2022  1 - 3 p.m.  Zoom Video Conference Minutes