VIII.A Amendments to the Constitution [Click here to see corresponding section of Constitution]

VIII.B Amendments to the Bylaws

  1. Changes to bylaws found in the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of the University of Colorado, excluding bylaws found in Section III, require:
    1. notice of motion to the Faculty Senate;
    2. approval by a two-thirds majority of those voting at the Faculty Senate meeting following the notice of motion; and
    3. if necessary, approval by the Board of Regents of required enabling revisions to the Laws of the Regents or Regent Policies. 
  2. Changes to bylaws found in Section III of the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of the University of Colorado require:
    1. notice of motion at any regular or special meeting of Faculty Council; and
    2. approval by a two-thirds majority of those voting at a subsequent regular or special Faculty Council meeting following that at which notice was given and at which a quorum is present. 
  3. Numbering for future additions to these bylaws shall be as follows: identify the relevant article of the Constitution and the relevant section of these Bylaws and add a numbered bylaw. For example: Constitution Article III.A.3.c, Functions of the Faculty Council Executive Committee, has bylaws in Bylaws Section III.A.3.c.1-10. If a new bylaw is required, it shall be numbered Bylaw III.A.3.c.11, unless the new bylaw replaces an existing bylaw (see VIII.B.3). 
  4. Amendments to these bylaws shall replace existing bylaws.