APS #8013

ActiveUnder Review Revision

University of Colorado Guidelines for Undergraduate Admission

Brief Description

Provides updated admissions guidelines for undergraduate admission to the university.

Reason for Policy

Provides guidelines for undergraduate admission to the University of Colorado.

Policy Profile

APS Policy Title: 
University of Colorado Guidelines for Undergraduate Admission
APS Number: 
Effective Date: 
June 1, 2022
Approved By: 
President Todd Saliman
Responsible University Officer: 
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: 
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Policy Contact: 
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS) for Undergraduate Admission, September 14, 2018
Last Reviewed/Updated date: 
June 1, 2022
Applies to: 
All campuses

I. Introduction

This policy provides the guidelines for undergraduate admission to the University of Colorado.  Previously, the University of Colorado Board of Regents adopted the minimum academic preparation standards (MAPS) on January 19, 1984, which were amended on January 24, 2008, and moved to an administrative policy statement (APS 8013-Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS) for Undergraduate Admission) effective September 14, 2018.  Upon regent request in fall 2021, the campuses re-examined the MAPS policy and recommended changes captured in this APS. Campuses will set the effective date for these changes based on their calendars, but no sooner than the approval date of this APS.

The goal of admission recommendations and requirements is to assure, as much as possible, the student’s potential for completing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Colorado in their stated area of interest.

II. Policy Statement

  1. All students graduating from high school, regardless of graduation year, and applying to undergraduate programs of the University of Colorado are strongly encouraged to meet the following recommendations (based on the Spring 2022 Colorado Higher Education Admissions Recommendations (HEAR)):
    Academic Areas Recommendations
    English* 4 years
    Mathematics (Must include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalents)** 4 years
    Natural/Physical Sciences (two units must be lab-based)** 3 years
    Social Sciences (at least one unit of U.S. or world history) 3 years
    World/Foreign Language*** 1 years
    Academic Electives**** 2 years

    *          Two units of ESL English may count for these recommendations when combined with two units of successfully completed college preparatory English.
    **        College-preparatory ESL mathematics/science courses that include content and academic rigor/level comparable to other acceptable courses may satisfy these recommendations.
    ***      American Sign Language (ASL) courses can count toward the Word/Foreign Language recommendation.
    ****        Acceptable academic electives include additional courses in English, mathematics, natural/physical sciences and social, foreign languages, art, music, journalism, drama, computer science, honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate courses, and appropriate CTE courses.

  2. Students without a high school diploma must provide a high school equivalency exam score. Institutions shall accept General Education Development (GED) versions 1988, 2002, 2014, and any other state approved exam. This route to admission is available only to students without a high school diploma. Meeting minimum required scores on these exams does not guarantee admission. See CCHE Admissions Standards Policy, Section 4.01.04.
  3. Along with these recommendations, individual schools and colleges may develop and impose additional admission recommendations.
  4. Students who do not satisfy these recommendations may, under specific review of the schools, colleges, and campuses, still be admitted.
  5. Individual campuses may determine whether to waive graduation requirements based on MAPS deficiencies (for students previously admitted under MAPS).
  6. The University of Colorado will publicize its admissions guidelines throughout the state of Colorado and in other appropriate geographic locations to assure that all prospective students are informed.

III. History

  • Adopted: September 14, 2018 (replaces the old Regent Policy 7.A:  Minimum Academic Preparation Standards for Undergraduate Admission (MAPS) which was rescinded on September 14, 2018).
  • Revised: June 1, 2022.
  • Last Reviewed: June 1, 2022.