APS #1042


Supplemental Academic Instruction

Brief Description

Provides standards and procedures to be followed by campuses that opt to provide Supplemental Academic Instruction, as defined by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education.

Reason for Policy

This policy complies with CRS 23-1-113(1.5) and Colorado Commission on Higher Education Commission policy, Section I, Part W.

Policy Profile

APS Policy Title: 
Supplemental Academic Instruction
APS Number: 
Effective Date: 
July 1, 2018
Approved By: 
President Bruce D. Benson
Responsible University Officer: 
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: 
Office of Academic Affairs
Policy Contact: 
Office of Academic Affairs
Last Reviewed/Updated date: 
July 1, 2018
Applies to: 
All campuses


Pursuant to Colorado law (C.R.S. 23-1-113), the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) may authorize a state institution of higher education to provide supplemental academic instructionSupplemental Academic InstructSee Section IV. Definitions (SAI) to students with limited academic deficienciesLimited Academic DeficienciesSee Section IV. Definitions even if the institution is not authorized to provide basic skills coursesBasic Skills CoursesSee Section IV. Definitions.

SAI that is authorized by CCHE and offered for credit is eligible for College Opportunity Fund (COF) payments.


  1. Per CCHE policy, a campus that offers supplemental academic instruction (SAI) shall:
    1. Use primary assessment scores from tests or assessment tools approved by the CCHE to determine if a student is college ready (identified in CCHE policy, Section I, Part E).
    2. Select a secondary evaluation of basic skills and/or a course placement review in English or mathematics to place students in SAI. 
    3. Inform a student, in writing, about the learning outcomes associated with SAI completion and advise the student about appropriate options based on the SAI evaluation.  This must occur prior to the student’s first semester of registration.
    4. Require that students placed into SAI complete their SAI requirements by the time they complete 30 college-level credit hours.
    5. Flag and report each SAI course and student enrolled in an SAI course in the student course enrollment files submitted to the Student Unit Record Data System (SURDS) database.
  2. Credit-bearing English and mathematics courses taught co-requisitely with SAI are required to be gtPathways approved.


  1. A campus shall obtain authorization for each SAI course it proposes to offer.   To request authorization, a campus shall prepare a proposal that includes detailed information on the:
    1. Secondary SAI evaluation of basic skills assessment and/or course placement reviews in English or mathematics, including definition of limited academic deficiency, cut scores and other measures of student preparation for placement into SAI.
    2. Process for advising students about SAI based on their SAI evaluations prior to first semester registration, and the requirement that students placed into SAI complete their credit bearing SAI English and mathematics courses by the time they complete 30 college-level credit hours.
    3. Communication plan between SAI and co-requisite course faculty for shared understanding of student outcomes and success.
    4. SAI staffing and support, including accountability for curricular oversight.
    5. Demonstration of how the learning outcomes of the SAI course and the corresponding gtPathways course are aligned.
    6. SAI assessment plan, including measures of student success.
  2. The proposal shall be approved by the campus Provost and submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for review.
  3. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall forward the proposal to the Colorado Commission on Higher Education as a request for authorization to offer SAI.


  1. Supplemental Academic Instruction, as defined by CCHE policy, is co-requisite instruction in writing (English) or mathematics for students with limited academic deficiencies who are placed into college-level course work that is approved for statewide transfer.  SAI does not include pre-requisite basic skills courses.
  2. Limited Academic Deficiency, as defined by CCHE policy, refers to English and/or mathematics skill levels of a student who has been admitted to an institution but has failed to meet the minimum placement score for college-level coursework as determined by the CCHE policy on remedial education (Section I, Part E).
  3. Basic Skills Courses, as defined by CCHE policy, are courses that are prerequisites to the level of work expected at a postsecondary institution and include academic skills courses and preparatory courses.  Basic skills courses are often referred to as remedial courses or developmental education courses.


  • Approved July 1, 2018.